How to Calculate the Fuel Consumption of an 800kw Diesel Generator Set

Aug. 11, 2021

In addition to the generator quotation, the most concerned issue of diesel generator set users is probably the fuel consumption of the generator. For diesel generator set, most of customers do not know the conditions of fuel consumption of the diesel generator set and how to calculate the consumption of diesel generator set. In terms of fuel consumption, the fuel consumption of an 800kw diesel generator set is actually related to the following two factors:

How to Calculate the Fuel Consumption of an 800kw Diesel Generator Set

1. Fuel consumption rate. Different brands of generator sets have different fuel consumption rates and different fuel consumption;

2. The size of the electrical load, the higher the load, the higher the throttle, the higher the fuel consumption, and the lower the load, the lower the relative     fuel consumption.


The specific calculation method of the fuel consumption of the generator is as follows:

One liter of diesel is about 0.84-0.86 kg (1L=0.8-0.85KG). Most generator manufacturers use G/KW.H as parameters, which means how many grams (G) of oil the generator set consumes per kilowatt per hour, and then change the unit to liters (L) to know that you are an hour Fuel consumption costs.


In order to facilitate you to understand the approximate fuel consumption of the generator set, calculate the use cost of the generator set; Dingbo Power will calculate the approximate reference value (30kw~800kw) for you.


30kw diesel generator set = 6.3 kilograms (kg) = 7.8 liters (L);

45kw diesel generator set = 9.45 kilograms (kg) = 11.84 liters (L);

50kw diesel generator set = 10.5 kilograms (kg) = 13.1 liters (L);

75kw diesel generator set = 15.7 kilograms (kg) = 19.7 liters (L);

100kw diesel generator set = 21 kilograms (kg) = 26.25 liters (L);

150kw diesel generator set = 31.5 kilograms (kg) = 39.4 liters (L);

200kw diesel generator set = 40 kilograms (kg) = 50 liters (L);

250kw diesel generator set = 52.5 kilograms (kg) = 65.6 liters (L);

300kw diesel generator set = 63 kilograms (kg) = 78.75 liters (L);

350kw diesel generator set = 73.5 kilograms (kg) = 91.8 liters (L);

400kw diesel generator set = 84.00 kilograms (kg) = 105.00 liters (L);

450kw diesel generator set = 94.50 kilograms (kg) = 118.00 liters (L);

500kw diesel generator set = 105.00 kilograms (kg) = 131.20 liters (L);

600kw diesel generator set = 126.00 kilograms (kg) = 157.50 liters (L);

700kw diesel generator set = 147.00 kilograms (kg) = 183.75 liters (L);

800kw diesel generator set = 168.00 kilograms (kg) = 210.00 liters (L);


The above are only estimates and are for reference only. The key to the fuel consumption of an 800kw diesel generator set is to see whether the operating condition of the set is in good condition and whether the maintenance methods are correct.


Guangxi Dingbo is an manufacturer specializing in the production and sales of diesel generator sets, mainly engaged in the design, manufacture, sales and service of generator sets, and we have a strong technical force, advanced production equipment and after-sales service team. If you are interested in the above information about an 800kw diesel generator set, please do not hesitate to contact us at Dingbo Power’s experts and staff are always ready to provide advice and recommend suitable products and maintenance for you. 

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