How Does A Generator Set Use Diesel Fuel Efficiently

Dec. 04, 2021

In emergency situations, fuel is one of the most common resources, with sufficient fuel reserves to be prepared to deal with unexpected power outages, such as long-term power outages.  While it's beneficial, diesel doesn't have as long a shelf life as people think.  How can generators use diesel efficiently without wasting it, given that modern refining processes, subject to stringent oversight and environmental and economic concerns, have made today's distillates more volatile and prone to pollution?  Do the following three measures.  


How does a generator set use diesel fuel efficiently and not waste it?  Do the following three measures  

So how long can diesel last?  Studies have shown that diesel fuel can only be stored for six to 12 months, sometimes longer under optimal conditions.  

In general, the quality of diesel can be disturbed by three main factors: hydrolysis, microbial growth, and oxidation. The presence of these three factors will shorten the life of diesel, so you can expect a loss of quality of 6 months.  Below, we discuss why these three factors are threats and provide tips on how to maintain diesel quality and prevent these threats.  

When diesel comes into contact with water, it causes hydrolysis, which means diesel passes through contact with water.  As the liquid is cooled, water droplets fall from the top of the tank onto the diesel.  As mentioned earlier, chemical reactions in contact with water-decomposed diesel are susceptible to microbial growth (bacteria and fungi).  


As mentioned earlier, microbial growth is usually produced by coupling water with diesel fuel: microorganisms need water to grow.  At the performance level, this is a problem because microbial acid degrades diesel fuel and blocks the fuel tank filter due to biomass, fluid flow, corrosion chamber and engine damage.  

Oxidation is a chemical reaction.  When diesel fuel introduces oxygen, this reaction occurs immediately after the diesel fuel leaves the refinery.  Oxidation effects react with compounds in diesel to produce high acids, resulting in unwanted GBSmids, shelves and sediments.  Higher acid values will corrode the tank and prevent the resulting glue from settling.  

 How Does A Generator Set Use Diesel Fuel Efficiently

Several steps should be taken to ensure that stored diesel is cleaned and uncontaminated.  

Use fungicides.  Fungicides will help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can spread through the diesel interface.  Once microbes start, they multiply and are difficult to eliminate.  Prevention or elimination of biofilms.  Biofilm is a thick sludgy material that can grow at the diesel water interface.  Biofilms will reduce the effectiveness of fungicides and promote reinfection of microbial growth after fuel treatment.  If biofiltration is present prior to fungicide treatment, it may be necessary to mechanically clean the tank to completely remove the biofilm and obtain all the benefits of the fungicide.  Fuel treatment and fuel separation water using pulverized milk characteristics.  

The key to the delay is that the cold water tank is ideal at about -6°C, but should not be higher than 30 °C.  Coolers can reduce sunlight can reduce exposure to sunlight (if it is operated on site), then reduce exposure to sun and water.  Therapeutic fuel.  Additives, such as antioxidants and fuel stabilization treatments, maintain diesel quality by stabilizing diesel and preventing chemical decomposition.  Treat fuel, but treat it right.  Do not use treatment methods or fuel additives, which are gasoline and diesel.  How to treat diesel to diesel rather than any given fuel source.  The tank is thoroughly cleaned every ten years, which means not only maintaining the life of diesel fuel, but also helping to maintain the life of the tank.  Invest in underground storage tanks.  The initial cost may be higher, but the long-term cost is lower: the tank is safer, the temperature is lower, and the quality of the fuel will last longer.  


In short, you must develop a monitoring and maintenance plan that includes all of the above maintenance of the diesel tank storage system.  If you have any questions about diesel generators, please contactDingbo power immediately.  Dingbo electric power provides customers with the best quality service, has a strong production process and base, many years of experience in the generating set industry can provide you with the needs of choice.  

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