How Often Should the Diesel Genset be Maintained

Apr. 26, 2023

Dingbo Power to remind the majority of users do not ignore the maintenance of diesel generator sets, regular maintenance of diesel generator sets is a good habit, not only to reduce the number of failures, but also to properly extend the service life of diesel generator sets. So, how long do diesel generator sets need maintenance to run? What methods can help the generator needs less maintenance?


How often to maintain diesel generators?

1.the maintenance time of diesel generator sets

When carrying out maintenance, should pay attention to the relative position of the removable parts and their order, if necessary, should be marked, the structure of the non-removable parts point, and master the force when reassembled can use a torque wrench.

(1) air filter, battery maintenance cycle for every 50 hours of operation for the times.

(2) belt maintenance cycle for every 100 hours of operation.

(3) radiator, lubrication oil system, diesel fuel filter maintenance cycle for every 200 hours of operation.

(4) charging generator and starter motor maintenance cycle for every 600 hours of operation.

(5) generator control panel maintenance cycle for every six months for the time.


2. Maintenance cycle of diesel generator

(1) Daily maintenance of diesel generator (work per shift);

(2) Technical maintenance (cumulative work of 50-80 hours or every 1 month);

(3) 2. Technical maintenance (accumulated work of 250-300 hours or every 6 months);

(4) Three technical maintenance (accumulated work time of 500-1000 hours or every 1 year).

How Often Should the Diesel Genset be Maintained


What can help a generator require less maintenance?

While we all hope our diesel generators to be perfectly serviced and ready to go, this can be a challenge. Avoiding the need for full service and insisting on a full annual inspection is the best way to go. Many experienced generator owners have learned to care for and maintain their machines with minor adjustments and some love.

Housing: The most important part of keeping your filter and generator clean is providing it with a proper housing. Simply keeping the machine away from the worst of the dust and rain will ensure that it can enjoy a longer life.


Maintenance: Performing the necessary maintenance to add clean oil and clean the filters will make everything last longer. Many diesel generating sets may not need any repairs after a few years of operation because they are properly maintained and serviced.


Cooling: Your generator needs to be adequately cooled and taken care of when it starts running a lot. Many generator users think the machine doesn't need any cooling, but adding fans or large vents to its enclosure will effectively ensure it never overheats.


Start-up: If you know that the generator may be used a lot, but the way it is used has declined, then simply start the genset. Letting the genset run and burn off excess fuel and letting the oil heat up will keep it running smoothly.


Cleaning: It may seem obvious, but many generator owners forget the simple step of keeping their machines clean. Using a rag and soapy water, simply wipe off any dirt and dust that covers the genset to keep it running cleanly.


Restoration: It's okay to come up with a quick solution when you need power, but you should make sure to properly repair and dispose of anything that is damaged.


Do not overload: any engine that exceeds its limits can be damaged; diesel generators are no exception and can be seriously affected. When using the power generated by the machine, you are drawing energy directly from it; pulling too much can lead to more frequent engine repairs.


We hope the above content is helpful to you, Dingbo Power is a professional and trusted manufacturer of diesel generators, if you would like to know more about diesel generator sets, welcome to contact us by email

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